Michael Black
2012-08-26 00:10:16 UTC
"That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind."
that is the dumbmest statement in the world i ever heard of
and they keep repeating it...over and over
i'm sick of it.
it's dumb!
it's sounds dumb.
I prefer, "oops!"
And you posted this off-topic article here because?that is the dumbmest statement in the world i ever heard of
and they keep repeating it...over and over
i'm sick of it.
it's dumb!
it's sounds dumb.
I prefer, "oops!"
not the most watched, bits of tv up to that point.
A hot summer day, pictures that practically look like an ultrasound, no
color then, and they land and take a nap or something. I remember going
to sleep for a bit, I was only nine, and then woke up for the walk on the
mooon, or so I remember.
There's a line about it in Don McLean's "American Pie".
There's also a Diane Lane movie (which I did sort of watch in French on
tv) that takes place during that period. She's off at a summer camp with
the kids in upstate New York, her husband is stuck in the city fixing tv
sets and can't get up that weekend because everyone wants their tv set
fixed for the Big Event (so she has a fling with the local hippie). But
it shows the people at the camp all gathered together to watch the even,
it shows the hippie in his bus with a portable tv (now a collector's item)
they start watching it but get distracted.
It was a time when people tried to shoot photos of their tv set, to record
the event, no video recorders commonly available back then. You could do
it, but you had to adjust properly.
I think the even is also well covered by The Dish, which I didn't see on
tv and only saw last year when I finally found it on VHS tape at a garage
sale. It's a different spin on the same event, though no nudity or affair
in that one.
A lot of times since then people have watched tv at the same time, but I
think too many of those times, it's been for something bad.