Post by Ronnie Batemanof the
participants have moved on from Usenet to Facebook, where they can block
report stalkers like you.>>>
your posting style is vastly different when you're
SN: not surrounded by anonymous clods and brain dead conservatives, who
post fake messages and redirect responses.
Typically, like the dishonest trolling coward you are, you edited out
almost all of my reply rather than acknowledge your revolting,
indefensible behavior.
Don't you ever get tired of posting knowing bullshit, day after day
after day? Why are you so ferociously determined not to behave like a
human being? Your obnoxiousness is OBVIOUSLY a calculated trolling
campaign, since your posting style is vastly different when you're in a
theater-centric context. Why don't you just drop the act? Why not grow
up, and stop spending every day FUMING about everyone on Earth who
doesn't happen to share your fixation on show tunes?
Also: You "stalk" more than just about anyone (let's compare the number
of flames I've directed at you -- richly deserved, I might add -- vs.
the number of flames you've aimed at "Ubiquitous"), and your
buddy Trotsky is probably is the #1 stalker on Usenet. Completely
And are you really kidding yourself that you wouldn't get reported on
Facebook, if you trolled in your Usenet style over there? Constantly
posting wishes for others to die or contract horrible diseases? Making
endless vulgar, homophobic taunts?
I always wonder if all your homosexual theater friends realize just how
often you toss hateful, anti-gay slurs at others. It's incredibly
repulsive and hypocritical, coming from someone immersed in live theater.
ALSO: "Anonymity" is a trivial side issue that has nothing to do with
posting content (funny how you're only offended by "anonymous" people
who have different values from you) and, more often than not, your
hate-posts are not based on politics. For instance, your endless,
venomous attacks on people whose mere enjoyment of sci-fi and/or sports
constitutes a cardinal sin in your eyes. So, your above "alibi" is bunk.