Steve Newport
2012-08-06 00:09:32 UTC
Has anyone seen this yet? It's kind of a parody thing on Batman and
Superman, GL shows up and Robin's there too!) that the people who made the
Very Potter Musical released in March/April this year (it was sometime
around then). It's pretty hilarious. If you haven't seen it you should
take the like two hours it takes and watch it. Totally worth it. It does
how some foul language so I wouldn't suggest it for little ones.
Ubi is a forger
Gore Vidal on IMDB
Superman, GL shows up and Robin's there too!) that the people who made the
Very Potter Musical released in March/April this year (it was sometime
around then). It's pretty hilarious. If you haven't seen it you should
take the like two hours it takes and watch it. Totally worth it. It does
how some foul language so I wouldn't suggest it for little ones.
Ubi is a forger
Gore Vidal on IMDB